
Dr. Sridhar has received Doctorate from “University of Swahili, Panama, central America”
25 April 2023

Dr Sridhar is a highly qualified entrepreneur with immense health care experience.

Dr. Sridhar has received Doctorate from “University of Swahili, Panama, central America” in 2019 for his Commendable works in Medical Field.

Dr. Sridhar has an impressive academic curriculum with two Masters one in Hospital Management and Another in Marketingand various other certification courses from reputed international universities like Wharton Business School, Harvard University and IIM.

Within a short span of time, he has been instrumental about rapid expansion of hospital groups in India. With 20 Years of experience in the field of Oncology, Mr. Sridhar has come a long way, after he started Omega Hospitals by collaborating with his friends in the field of Medicine.

He is a generous man and Sridharani Foundation is an example of his generosity. The foundation  is  intended to serve people in the areas of Education, Health &Green Living. It’s a platform for like-minded  people like him who wanted to something for the society.