
Learn why winter is the perfect time for a family health checkup

Alternate topic – Winter – the season of snuggles, chills, and family health checkups.


Winter.. Ah, the name itself is comforting. The moment we think about chilly mornings and hot tea, we feel amazing. We love sleeping in during this time because the weather is simply perfect for it. We also wear layers of clothes to enjoy the cold but not too much! Even the most active among us want to snooze their alarms and get a little lazy. 

But, is it all cozy and comfortable throughout? We are sorry to burst the happy bubble but winter has a dark side to it too – it is also the season of the common cold, respiratory ailments, skin problems, and the flu. It is during this time that we recommend that children and elders alike exercise precaution and consider a family health checkup. 

Why is a health checkup must during winters?

Our immune system battles hard during winters

Winter is a breeding ground for many different bacteria and viruses. Since these diseases are in the air, the immune system works very hard to keep us safe and protected. Moreover, we all like staying indoors (at home or at office), surrounded by multiple people. This proximity increases the chance of infection.

We let ourselves loose

Sudden onset of laziness has an impact on our daily routine. If we suddenly start sleeping more, indulging in hot (often unhealthy) food, and eating more than usual, our health gets compromised without us realizing it. Letting ourselves loose also implies not taking care of ourselves, physically and mentally. All this contributes to challenging and weakening the immune system, inviting diseases. 

Heart and respiratory problems escalate during winters

If you already have a heart or respiratory condition, we are sure you dread winters. The cold weather has adverse effects on our body, aggravating our underlying conditions. This can lead to even more health problems if not checked and taken care of. 

Who should get an annual health check?

Every single member of the family should do it. Ordinarily, we would lay emphasis on children and the elderly but we cannot be too careful today. Even a cold or fever can be much more than that. Even a cough can signify bigger respiratory problems. No one of any age is completely immune and thus, it would be wrong to make exceptions. 

A family health checkup during winters is a preventive measure that will help you avoid potentially serious medical ailments. Early detection of a problem (if any) will give doctors a better chance to take care of it and nip it in the bud. In the middle of a pandemic, none of us can afford to fall ill because the road to recovery can be difficult, scary, and expensive. A health checkup when our immunity is challenged is, thus, the perfect solution. Don’t postpone it any further and make an appointment with your doctor immediately.